Deep Heat Morning Heel Pain Massage


Deep Heat Morning Heel Pain Massage contains ingredients that act as counter irritants to provide a tingling, pain relieving sensation to dilate blood vessels, re-oxygenate the tissues and relax the tendons and muscles in your arch. As it is absorbed, your body’s natural enzymes turn its special blend of ingredients into a powerful painkiller.



Applying Deep Heat Morning Heel Pain Massage to the joints and muscles in your feet can help with injury or inflammation. It can help reduce stiffness, relieve pain and improve the blood supply to the affected area to aid healing. This is of great value when treating heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis.  Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cuase of heel pain in New Zealand and is typically most painful first thing in the morning or after standing from a period of sitting at work.

Deep Heat Morning Heel Pain Massage contains a special ingredient that, together with the body’s natural enzymes, generate a penetrating warmth that can be used to treat morning heel pain. Deep Heat Morning Heel Pain Massage contains ingredients that act as counter irritants to provide a tingling, pain relieving sensation to dilate blood vessels, re-oxygenate the tissues and relax the tendons and muscles in your arch. As it is absorbed, your body’s natural enzymes turn its special blend of ingredients into a powerful painkiller.

Heel Pain Deep Heat MassageDeep Heat Morning Heel Pain Massage

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